[Characteristics and Distinguishing of Manuscripts]
A manuscript describing the theories and application fields related to thermal medicine. It is divided into original, review, technical report, and letter.
[Qualification for submission]
At least one of the authors should be a member of the Korean Society for Thermal Medicine,
[Submission of manuscript]
The manuscript should be submitted online through the homepage (http://www.ksotm.com) along with the request for publication and the copyright transfer agreement. When submitting a manuscript, it is necessary to input the manuscript information and the author information. In principle, the manuscript should be written using HWP or Microsoft word. The request for publication and the copyright transfer agreement should be submitted in jpg or pdf file with the title of the paper (Korean / English) and the autograph of the responsible author.
[Manuscript System]
A manuscript should be submitted after confirming the following check items, and a manuscript which does not meet the manuscript requirements can be returned after reviewing only the suitability of the manuscript. In this case, the manuscript is the same as the one not received.
[Author Review Items]
1. Mandatory components of manuscripts
1) The format and contents of manuscripts shall be confirmed by the author.
2) Write the manuscript in A4 size using HWP or Microsoft Word.
3) All manuscripts can be written in Korean or English.
4) Manuscripts should be written in the following order. Manuscript: cover, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussions, conclusions, references, tables and figure legends
5) You can post manuscripts already published in other journals or other periodicals in the Journal of the Korean Society for Thermal Medicine, but you must specify the name of the source and the date of publication.
2. Cover
1) The cover page should include the title of the paper, the name and affiliation of all authors, and contact information for the author of the correspondence.
2) Authors' institutions and other institutions should mark the footnotes immediately after the author's name in order of *, †, ‡, §, ∥, etc. according to the CBE system.
3) Record the address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author at the bottom of the cover.
3. Abstract
1) Abstract should be limited to 250 characters for original articles and 200 characters for case reports.
2) Describe the purpose, methods, results, and conclusion in clinical or laboratory research.
3) Key words are selected based on MeSH (Medical Subject Headings).
4) Key words should be written within 5 words below the abstract.
4. Manuscripts
1) The text size of the manuscript is limited to 11 points in 2 lines spacing between lines.
2) Tables and photographs are numbered in the order in which they are quoted in the text.
5. References
1) All references cite the names of all authors when there are six or fewer authors, and "et al," with the first six author names if there are six or more authors.
2) References should be in superscript and parentheses.
6. Tables, figures and illustrations
1) Prepare the tables and figures as separate files.
2) Figures and illustrations should be saved in JPG or TIF file format and have a resolution of 300 DPI or higher.